Becket Conservation Commission
Becket Town Hall 557 Main St. Becket, MA
6:30 PM July 19, 2012
1. Approval of minutes of June 21, 2012 meeting
2. Request for Determination of Applicability Sylvia Cancela 3904 Jacobs Ladder
Rd. Map 201 Lot 19 Replacing wood deck planks; demotion of shed and installation of stairs in buffer zone to Greenwater Pond
3. Notice of Intent Roger Chabot 1324 Fred Snow Rd. Map 408 Lot 80
DEP #102-384 Construction of a garage; reconfiguration of existing driveway
and minor grading of rear yard; all work located in the buffer zone of the BVW
and the bank of an intermittent stream
4. Administrative Business